Sunday, April 13, 2008


On Sunday Eila, Collin, Nina and I went to a Shakespeare play in Hawera. The play was called Macbeth and I was cool even though it was really hard to understand. I think it was hard to understand because they said it all in Shakespeare language! It started at 8:00 and when we got back into the car it was about 10:30 so when we got home it was 11:30 and Nina and I slept just about the whole way. I think that Macbeth was the 2nd play that I had gone to see. Eila said that it was written in a modern way so that it was easier to understand even though I still could not understand it. My favourite part of the play was when someone was knocking on the door and the Porter was going on and on about the knocking on the door witch was pretty funny! It was pretty obvious that he was drunk!

1 comment:

CardinalJones said...

Ahoy! I played the young prince of Cumberland, Malcolm, in production you saw, and I was just 'googling' to see if I could find any comments on our performance of Macbeth, and I found yours. ^^;
I'm glad you enjoyed it, but are you sure you have the times right in your blog? Sundays performance started at 2pm. xP
And the actual words had not been contemporized, just the setting. So it's all still in a Shakespearean language. Although a few chunks of dialogue had been cut.
Any road, thank you for attending. Take care.