Monday, August 27, 2007

Going to Koren and Claire's house

On Saturday we went to a five netball games and we lost three games and won two by heaps. Once we had finished all of our games Fiona took lots of photos of our netball team. Koren and Claire’s nana and Gran dad came to watch Koren and Claire play because Koren is in our netball team. Once we had done thanking all the people and the coaches me and Claire and Angus went in to the Porsche with their grandad and we followed Koren and Nina and Fiona and their Nana. On the way home Nina and koren were sticking there hand out and waving at any random person so me and Claire copied them. When we had stopped at a red light me and Claire turned around and waved at the lady behind us and she kept on waving back at us and we were counting how much people waved back at us so we had about five people in our counting list. When we had got home we had something to eat and then Koren and Claire’s nana and grandad left we got UN packed and changed in to some nicer clothes that did not smell. Then we went down to the car and waited until Fiona had found her keys. Then we went to centre city and tried looking for some tight jeans for Claire but they were really expensive because Fiona had only given Claire, Koren and Angus $10 each but our dad gave us $20 each to spend. Once centre city had closed we waited for Fiona and Angus to come and pick us up and go to the warehouse and get some lollies to have while we watch the movies. When we had got out of the warehouse we went to the DVD shop to get some movies to watch. We got two one of them was called Flicka and the other one we got was called sisterhood and trust me that one was disgusting but we thought it would be a horror but it was disgusting. Flicka was a hose movie and it made me and Koren cry. That night we stayed up until 2.45 in the morning. When we got up in the morning we watched Charles angles1 and then we got dressed and went to go and get some tickets for a movie called the sipsons. It was a really funny. Once we had done that we went to the shop with paintings in it and then we went to the book shop and then we went home and I was really tired!

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